Tuesday July 1st
after 4 PM
Leaves Monday evening June 30th
Luggage drop off: TBA
Arrival times on Tuesday morning, July 1st between 8:30 AM and 12:00 PM
Loading at Mishkan Israel, 14000 W 9 Mile Rd, on Tuesday afternoon, July 1st at 12:30 PM
Luggage drop-off: TBA
Arrive in camp on Sunday night, July 27th after 11:00 pm.
Departure times on Monday morning, July 28th between 6:00AM and 10:00AM
Will arrive Monday July 28th at Mishkan Israel at about 5:00AM
Will arrive on Monday July 28th at Kingston & President in the late afternoon.
Monday July 28th
after 4 PM
Arrival times on Monday morning July 28th between 8:30 AM and 12:00 PM
Leaves from Oak Park on Monday afternoon July 28th at 12:30 PM
(Luggage drop-off info will be updated here soon).
TBD based on interest
Arrive in camp on Sunday night, August 24th after 11:00 PM
Departure times on Monday morning, August 25th between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Will arrive on Monday, August 25th in the late afternoon.
Will arrive on Monday, August 25th at approximately 5 AM.
Leaves From Kingston and President on 6/26/18 at 11:30PM
Arrive at camp on 6/27/18 between 3:00PM and 4:00PM
Arrival times on 6/27/18 between 9:30AM and 11:00AM
Leaves From Mishkan Israel on 6/27/18 at 12:00PM
Arrive on 7/24/18 at camp after 12:01AM.
Departure times on 7/24/18 between 7:00AM and 10:00AM
Will arrive on 7/24/18 at Kingston & President in the afternoon
Will arrive on 7/24/18 at Yeshiva at 5:00AM