Camp Gan Israel

Gan Yisroel Year RoundGan Yisroel Year Round


Vov Tishrei 5782

CGI Detroit is Year-Round

The campers and staff of Camp Gan Yisroel Detroit joined together over Zoom for a special Rally and Farbrengen in honor of Vov Tishrei, the Yahrzeit of the Rebbe’s mother – Rebbetzin Chanah.

The program included the 12 Pesukim, Sefer Hamitzvos, a video of the Rebbe, a special presentation from the staff and a special story from guest storyteller, Rabbi Benny Hershkowitz.

But in truth, this is not the first time the campers have had the opportunity to reconnect to their  “camp roots” after the summer was over.

“Camp Never Ends.” 

A slogan oft-repeated in summer camps as the campers head home. But is it true? 

For the campers and staff at CGI Detroit, camp is indeed a reality – all year round.

Why should the spirit of Gan Yisroel stop when camp is over?

After camp “officially” ended, Gan Yisroel Detroit’s exciting program called Gan Yisroel Year-Round, now in its third year, was launched to ensure that the chayus and excitement of camp would not fade out, even as the boys went back home.

The program includes a monthly magazine in full color filled with exciting articles and entertaining and informative stories to read, and games to play. The pages of this unique publication are chock-filled with lessons to learn, insights to gain – and all in a fun way!

These beautiful magazines are delivered to the doorstep of every single camper. Each month, a special contest is announced in the magazine which motivates the campers to get involved in the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim, as well as helping to develop an appreciation for the Rebbe’s Sichos by encouraging the boys to translate the Sicha into their own words and make it more relatable to them. 

The program also includes weekly Farbrengen voice-notes from different staff members which are posted on a WhatsApp group with the parents, along with camp memories and photos. 

This year at the banquet, every single camper was given a one of a kind “Gan Yisroel Calendar” with a daily checklist and information on all of the special days on the Chabad calendar throughout the year. A special incentive program was set up for all the campers who fill out the daily checklist and send it in to the Gan Yisroel Year-Round team.

These programs not only remind the kids of the summer and strengthen the lessons they took home with them, but also encourages them throughout the year to focus in class and grow in all aspects of Avodas Hashem.

Is there any better way than this to continue living and growing with the spirit of Gan Yisroel all year round? 

All of this was made possible by the devoted staff of Gan Yisroel Detroit and especially by the Gan Yisroel Launchers; Avi Katz and Shea Shmotkin, as well as, the Head Staff; Mendel Azimov, Levi Katz and Levi Shemtov WB.

“The Launchers” are hard at work planning an entire year of programs and events for the campers of Gan Yisroel!

The Gan Yisroel Year-Round team wishes to show appreciation to Rabbi Moshe Shemtov and the entire administration of the camp for encouraging them to create and manage this beautiful program and hopes that the program can continue for many years to come.