First Blog!!!
Sunday, 3 Kislev
Shehecheyanu, V’kiy’manu, V’higiyanu Laz’man Hazeh.
Wow, the very first blog on the all new gyyr website,
Week in review with the launchers;
As some of you might know both of the launchers are learning in the same yeshiva this year, what some of you may not know is that we are each others chavrusahs for every single seder, we are roommates, and we sit next to each other by every single meal, so as you can imagine there is tons of stuff to write in our week in review, but we will try to keep it as short as possible.
Last Shabbos was the Kinus Hashluchim, as you can imagine, the Kinus office begged the launchers to be counselors together and launch our bunk, so we said yes, yup I know what you’re thinking “lucky campers” and you’re right, they takkeh were.
We went to a water park on Sunday and guess what? The craziest thing happened. There was a massive water slide, basically, you stood up in a capsule and they counted down, then the floor dropped, how did they countdown????
Like this, 3,2,1, launch! Guys, launching took over the world!!!
Later on in the week, your launchers went to Kingston pizza to have a gyyr meeting, we discussed the new website and how we are gonna launch the whole entire world. We can’t tell you all our plans, but all I can say is stay tuned!
Towards the end of the week, we had to decide if we should put out a gyyr magazine for Teves, I’m joking, are you crazy?!?!? Of course, there will be a magazine for Teves, as a matter of fact, it’s almost ready to be printed.
Oh and don’t forget launcher Avi got new glasses!!!
Alright, A gut voch!!
Stay tuned for the next upcoming blog on Tuesday “secrets from the head counselors”
The Launchers