5777 was a magical summer, Gan Yisroel was growing and life was good.
One thing that made 5777 stand out from other years was its amazing, unique and dedicated group of staff!
Let’s discuss some of the staff who may be relevant to our story:
Levi Katz was a young Bochur coming out of Tzeirei Hashluchim Tzfas, his dear Shliach, and Mashpia Rabbi Menachem Caytak, currently the Rebbe’s Shliach to Troy, Michigan, hired him to be a sports director!
“Sports Director!?” Levi thought to himself, “but I can be so much bigger and better than that!”
Understanding his concerns, Menachem delivered the most powerful Kavana speech known to mankind, he explained to Levi that his very presence in Admas Kodesh is worth more than anything in the world, the opportunity he will have to spend a summer in the Rebbe’s camp no matter the position is extraordinary!
Levi was sold! He began to prepare for what would be the most successful summer program in Gan Yisroel’s history!
Levi had amazing summer in Detroit and vowed to never leave Admas Kodesh ever!
Little did Levi know that there was something watching his every move the entire summer, something so powerful, so big yet so secretive and private that he would never have known about if it wasn’t revealed to him in the summer of 5781…