Camp Gan Israel

Gan Yisroel Year RoundGan Yisroel Year Round

Secrets From The Head Staff:
Setting Up Tustin! Part Two

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning in Tustin, Michigan, the sun was shining, bees buzzing and the new grounds of Gan Yisroel were still carpeted and in one piece.

It was evident that a special day has arrived, and special it was! The campers of Gan Yisroel 5782 were arriving in 3 hours!

Walking through the bunkhouse hallways you were able to see the floor, how nice and quiet it was. until…

*Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!*

Levi Shemtov slams the snooze button on his alarm clock and turns to Mendel Azimov who was still sleeping “Mendel, wake up!!!”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” Mendel screamed, “what happened?” Levi asked, “I had a dream that I slept through a full Friday night in camp and missed the whole meal!” Mendel responded. Levi Shemtov began to cry together with Mendel at such a thought, it was then when Mendel made a firm decision to make every Friday night in Gan Yisroel a vort!

Finally, Levi looked at the clock and his eyes popped out of his face! “Mendel! the kids will be here in three hours and we didn’t make the bunks yet! We have to wake up Levi Katz and get to work!

They ran into the next room and jumped on Levi’s head until he woke up screaming! They asked him what’s wrong and he said that he had a dream that he missed breakfast! Mendel, levi, and Levi cried together for a few minutes, it is then that they made a firm decision that they will never miss breakfast but occasionally miss lunch.

The head staff ran to Mikvah joined the staff Minyan for Shachris and ran to the office and Levi Shemtov got to work on the bunks while Levi Katz and Mendel Azimov began making their way through the 25 egg wraps that chef Shmully Berman prepared for them!

after about 8 and a half minutes Levi Shemtov proudly showed his finished bunks to Mendel and Levi.

They burst out laughing!

“Levi” Mendel screamed, “You put all the campers in one bunk and called it bunk Gan Yisroel!”

Levi looked at Mendel and became very serious and said to him in a very stern tone “Mendel please pass me three egg wraps with extra spicy mayo.”

After devouring the egg wraps Levi again looked at Mendel this time with an even more serious face and said “Mendel please pass me a diet coke.”

Finally, Levi stared Mendel right in the eye and said, “Mendel! did you just ask me why the whole camp is in one bunk!? of course, the whole camp is in one bunk! this is Gan Yisroel, are there divisions in Gan Yisroel?

Levi sat on the floor and began to cry, it was then when Levi noticed for the first time the mushiness of the Gan Yisroel carpets…

As Levi Shemtov cried and Mendel Azimov laughed and Levi Katz was shoving down the last egg wrap, they heard an announcement on the PA “Head Counselors please make your way to the Chosidel lobby.”

As they made their way to the lobby they noticed a small French looking man, they introduced themselves and then asked him if he speaks English, he smiled and said “Yes, I’m from America, my name is Mendel Backman.”

They immediately responded with a massive mazel tov for his birthday and began to dance!

It is then when he broke the news to them “I’m afraid to tell you that I’m here to be the head counselor of Gan Yisroel and you guys will be waiters instead…”

Stay Tuned For Part Three…