We left off where the head counselors discovered that Mendel Backman will be the head counselor and the head counselors were gonna be waiters!
Instantly upon hearing the news Levi Shemtov got very excited and ran to the kitchen to put on an apron and get to work.
Levi Katz and Mendel Azimov on the other hand were not too excited. in fact they were upset!
They ran into Levi Raichiks office to demand an explanation.
Levi explained to them that he didn’t intend for this to happen but he’s too scared of Mendel Backman to make issues with him.
With no other choice the head counselors went to the kitchen to start working.
The head waiters arrived and started waiter training. The first thing they had to do was practice ignoring campers when they ask for cheese by breakfast. Levi Shemtov pretended to be a camper asking for cheese and Levi Katz was the waiter, they both did a great job and they moved on to stage two.
Now they had to practice pretending that there was no more hotdogs for refills, but Mendel Azimov did a very not good job convincing people that there were no more hotdogs because he always held three hotdogs in his hand ready to eat!
Finally they had to practice serving food under a lot of pressure which all the head staff did a terrible job at!
The head waiters went to Levi Raichiks office to complain, but when they got there they saw Mendel Backman sitting in Levis chair! They asked Levi what happened and he said that Mendel Backman told him that he’s the new director and there’s nothing that he can do about it.
Mendel Backman informed the head staff that they can have their job backs, they were overjoyed. When they looked at the clock they noticed that they only have 30 minutes till the campers arrive!
They quickly tucked in their shirts and went to sleep.
about 3 hours later the launchers woke them and up and told them its time for the speech, they rolled into the shul and gave their speech.
That night Mendel Backman decided that Levi Raichik can be the director on condition that everyone has to wish him a happy birthday every single day!
Obviously everyone agreed and that was it.
And thus concludes the story behind setting up tustin!
Tune in next week for a new secret behind the head staff!