Camp Gan Israel

Gan Yisroel Year RoundGan Yisroel Year Round

Week in review with the launchers 5

What a week it’s been, on Sunday your amazing Launchers were taking over the world by storm, menorah after menorah given out pretty much half the world got launched!

On Monday they spent their time mostly packing because yeshiva would be resuming on that very Tuesday, when Shea was packing he went into a frenzy, “my launcher socks have gon missing! Where have they gone? Whats should I do?” His mammy overheard him and told him to just put on another pair of socks, Shea got very angry, “ a regular pair of socks? Do I look crazy? His mother wondered how many pairs of launcher socks he has when she figured out he only has one pair, she got worried that Shea wears the same socks every day, shea obviously told his mother that he cleans them every day, but he later told launcher Avi that he really doesn’t because he is scared the launcher logos might lose the perfect color in the wash (ewwwwww).

On Tuesday Avi and shea finally saw each other again after a full Chanukah apart! Yes! For a full eight days, they didn’t see each other, well of course they had walkie talkies so they were at least able to stay in contact, can you imagine if they didn’t have walkie talkies (chas vesholom)

The rest of the week went by with a breeze, learning, davening, launching, and obviously lots of eating, shea mainly eating pizza and Avi mainly eating hotdogs (we just heard a rumor that Launcher Avi ate 237 hotdogs this week)

A gut voch and remember to always launch!