Camp Gan Israel

Our Case for

Invest in the next generation of chassidim
by doubling CGI Detroit’s capacity

Learn how your philanthropy can make a difference at CGI Detroit

The Cause

The Rebbe instituted overnight camps as an integral part of the Chinuch of our children during the summer months. 

Celebrating its 60th anniversary, CGI Detroit has been creating Yiddishe, Chassidishe summers for thousands of children, bringing the teachings of chassidus and the way of chassidus to life, for the boys and girls in numerous camp divisions.

The Challenge

There are many well run and highly populated overnight camps in North America. The world wide Lubavitch community is growing. In the United States there is particular growth. Based on current research, there are an estimated 4,500 Anash girls and 1,500 Anash boys that will not have an overnight experience due to lack of space in the current nationwide camp set up.

To date, CGI Detroit was located in one campground, which served boys for one month and girls the other, greatly limiting CGI Detroit’s ability to create a greater impact on larger numbers of campers.  

The Solution

Time for expansion! Time to give more Anash children a summer that will shape them as happy and proud Yidden and Chassidim of the Rebbe!!!

For summer 5781, CGI is in contract to purchase a second campground that will be the new home of CGI Detroit Boys and BMD divisions. Click here for a sneak peak.

Effective immediately, the Kalkaska location will be home to 360 elementary girls + staff for the first months and 300 8-10 graders + staff in the teen and teen traveling camp programs during the second month. A 100% increase on last year’s enrollment.

The new grounds in Tustin, MI will be hosting 200 boys + staff for two full months in the elementary and BMD programs.

The current camp leadership has sustained and grown CGI Detroit including many upgrades to Kalkaska grounds and introducing the innovative programs catered for teens, including: BMD, Teen camp for girls 8-9 grade and teen traveling camp for girls in 10th grade. 

Much of the success largely attributed to the compartmentalized directorship given to each program, including: Rabbi Moishy Shemtov – Camp Director, Rabbi Bentzion & Simi Shemtov – Director of the girls elementary program, Rabbi Levi Raichik – Director of boys elementary & BMD programs & Mrs. Chani Raichik – Director of girls teen programs.

The real secret to the Ruchniyus success of the campers is the time, energy and resources invested into the summer experience by the camp mashpiim Rabbi Yosef Gourarie – boys and Rabbi Yossi Shemtov – girls.

The purchase of a second campground will add summer camp experiences for hundreds of boys and girls in Anash families, starting with summer 5781-2021 with added expansion in store in the years ahead IYH. 

The Plan

CGI Detroit is launching a 3 MM dollar campaign that will secure the purchase of the new grounds for the Boys and BMD divisions and complete the planned upgrades to kalkaska campground for Girls elementary and teen divisions.

Future home of CGI Detroit - Boys

  • 14901 4H Drive, Tustin, MI 49688
  • 153 acres of rolling hills and forests along a beautiful ‘Center Lake’ lakefront.
  • Three buildings that are ‘ready to move in’ condition with a total size of 50,000 SF and include all facilities needed for amazing camp experience. Click here for a quick peek.
  • Strategically located between Detroit and the Kalkaska campgrounds 

Kalkaska upgrades to include

  • 6 new bunk house (16 campers per house) 
  • Soccer Field
These compliment the upgrades of the last decade – 12 new bunkhouses, swimming pool and baseball field.

Future capacity

Kalkaska capacity of 360 beds for campers will be fully dedicated to girls for two months, projected registration maxing out at 700 campers + staff.

Tustin grounds current capacity of 200 beds, with plans for adding 100 beds next year. Estimated for 300 campers + staff.

Campaign cost breakdown

  • Purchase and closing: 2.75 Million
  • Soft cost: 350k
  • Finishing Kalkaska upgrades: 900k

Total: 3 Million

Campaign timeline

  • $750,000 for closing on Sept 1, 2021
  • $1,350,000 for balance on loan by June 2022
  • $900,000 for Kalaksa project by December 2022